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  • Registrant : 呉市
  • [Language]日本語
  • Posted : 2023/09/09
  • Published : 2023/09/09
  • Changed :2023/09/09
  • Total View : 388 persons
2023/9/1 - 2023/12/31 / 広島県 呉市 / Food / Restaurant

Kure Naval Gourmet Sticker de Rally

From June 1, 2023, , "Kure Naval Gourmet Seal de Rally" is being held.
After purchasing a Kure Naval Gourmet at a participating store, , collect 3 stickers given in the store and enter the rally , 5 people will be selected by lottery to win a gorgeous prize.

From June 1, 2023, , "Kure Naval Gourmet Seal de Rally" is being held.
After purchasing a Kure Naval Gourmet at a participating store, , collect 3 stickers given in the store and enter the rally , 5 people will be selected by lottery to win a gorgeous prize.

Address 広島県 呉市
Date 2023/9/1 - 2023/12/31
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